Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Homeade Apple crisp!

This is one of my favorite dessert recipes ( that I got here) because it is so easy, and yep you guessed it- CHEAP! I am usually able to get a bag of apples on sale for .99 at Dillons. Each bag usually contains 8-10 apples. This recipe calls for 6 apples so the substance of my dessert only costs me about .78 cents or less! The rest of the ingredients probably total around $1 or less.

6 apples, peeled and sliced
1 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. oatmeal
1/2 c. flour
1/2c. butter or margarine, softened
1tsp. cinnamon and/or nutmeg
1/4 c. water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Arrange apples in well greased baking dish. Blend all remaining ingredients; but water. Spread evenly over top of apples. Pour water over the topping. Bake 45 minutes until apples are tender and top is crisp. Makes 6 servings.

I actually put this in a 9x13 pan and get more than 6 servings. I might add an apple or 2 depending on how big they are and how much they fill up my pan.

In a few weeks I hope to do a post where you can link to your favorite "frugal recipe" Be thinking about what you would want to post or link too!

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