I am posting this early since I will not have internet access for 3 days! I will be back posting on Monday hopefully. There is not much at CVS this coming week but if you are a pop/soda drinker like me then this deal may work for you! If you have yet to go to CVS this week make sure you check out my post here!
I am figuring this assuming that the Loreal is 3.39
4 packs of Pepsi=11 (get back 3 EB wyb 4)
2 Loreal conditioners BIGI=3.39
1 CVS face wipe=2.99 (get back 1 EB wyb 1)
-3/15 CVS coupon
-2/1 CVS skin care coupon
-2/1 Pepsi coupon ( I have one of these left from a promotion that was done back in January)
- 1 BIGI Loreal coupon (3.39)
=6.99 + tax and get back 4 EB! So you "burn" about 3 EBs in this deal, but since I was able to make EBs last week this deal is worth it to me!
It is like getting 4 packs of Pepsi for $3!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Trip for this week

I headed out to Dillons yesterday to do some "deals". Since we are going out of town for the weekend I will not complete my shopping trip until Monday probably. Here is what I have gotten so far!
Deal 1
2 Always Maxi Pads at 5.49/1=10.98
1 Crest Pro-Health toothpaste=3.44
= 14.42
-5.49 -BIGI Always coupon from P&G insert (the sizes were all the same price)
-2.50/1 Always coupon
-3/1 Crest Pro-health coupon I received in a mailer
-3 off for buying 3
-1.50/7.00 Dillons beauty purchase coupon (came in Dillons mailer)
= overage of 1.07!
Deal 2
3 Pantene items=$10
- 3 2/1 coupons
-3 off for buying 3 items
-1/5.00 Dillons beauty purchase (came in Dillons mailer)
The rest of my trip:
- 4 Oil of Olay body washes on close out for 1.99 (I happened to have 4 $2/1 coupons to make these all FREE!)
- 2 Infusium shampoo/conditioner products on close out for 3.24 (I had 2 $3/1 coupons make these .24/1!)
- 3 1/2 gallons of Dillons milk (rp=1.77)on MS for .50/1=1.50!
- 3 Heartland Springs whole wheat pasta at 1.50/1=4.50 - I had 3 .55/1 coupons doubled to $1 making these .50/1 or 1.50 for all 3
- 3 boxes of Rice a Roni=$3- 3 .50/1 coupons doubled to $1 made these FREE!
- 4 Keebler items= 12.00- $6 off for buying 4- 2 1/2 coupons= $4 for all 4 items!
- 1 bag of granny smith apples (rp=4.99) on MS for .99
- 1 bottle of country bob's sauce=2.89 -free coupon=FREE
- 1 11oz can of Kroger ground coffee=2.39-free coupon=FREE
- 1 bag of goldfish crackers=1.99
Also the toothpaste deal may not be a bag gig if you just buy regular Crest. They are 2/5 this week. Here is how it would play out:
3 crests=7.50
-$3 off you get for buying 3
- 3 .75/1 coupons doubled to $1 (from the P&G brand saver)
=1.50 for 3 tubes of toothpaste!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
.99 for swim diapers and wipes!

NOTE: It is confirmed that this deal is no longer working at Topeka Target, they have taken down the 2.99 signs and claim that this price was a "mistake" I am not sure if this is just Topeka Target or other Targets as well.
Target has Pampers and Huggies swim diapers marked down to 2.99/box. If you have pampers coupons you can make this a pretty sweet deal. There were 1.50/1 coupons for pampers swim diapers in the P&G insert a few weeks ago, combine this with the 1.50/1 pampers target coupon here and get these FREE!. If you want and you have the coupons you can do this deal:
1 box of Pampers swim diapers =2.99
1 package of pampers 180ct of higher=5.00 (on sale this week)
Total= 7.99
-1.50/1 swim diapers coupon
-.50/wipes coupon
-5/the purchase of diapers and 180 ct or higher wipes Target coupon found here
If you do not have the 1.50/1 coupon or the .50/1 coupon a 2/2 Pampers coupon will work also and the cost is the same!
Note: There is also a coupon for a $5 target gift card when you purchase both diapers and 180ct higher wipes. Do not try to use this coupon in conjunction with this deal. You need to use either 1 coupon or the other. Target has been unclear about whether or not you can use both of these coupons in the same transaction. It is my understanding that you cannot, but I know some cashiers are allowing it even if they are not supposed to.
Free cheerios rumor...
Baby Cheapskate rumors that you may be able to get a free box of cheerios by going here...
Hy-Vee July 16th-July 22nd
Alert your husbands that Roses are 2/1$ this week at Hy-Vee as apart of their big rose event. I already dropped the "hint" to my husband:)
- 1 lb. 85 % lean ground beef rolls are 1.88
- red seedless grapes are 1.38/lb.
- Midwest Country Fair 24 oz. tubs of cottage cheese are 1/1.18
- Hy-Vee jars of pasta sauce are .99/1 (same as Aldi price)
- Hy-Vee 4 lb. bag of sugar is 1.48
- Hy-Vee white or wheat cottage bread is 1.28/loaf
- Hy-Vee 6 oz. bags of dried fruit are 1.38
- Hy-Vee specialty mustards are .88/1
- Midwest country Fair grape jelly is .88/1
- Organic green bell peppers are .88/1
- Del-Monte fresh Pinapples are 2.88 each
- Dole salads are 2/3- use 1/2 coupons to get these for a $1/bag. There may even be 1/1 coupons so you could get these for .50/bag
- Red seedless watermelons are 3.88
- Cantaloupe are 1.88/each (beats Dillons price this week)
- Pillsbury cinnamon rolls are .99/1- use .35/1 coupon from this past weekend's insert to get these for .64!
- Pillsbury pizza crusts/bread are 1.38- use .35/1 coupon from this past weekend's insert to get these for 1.03!
- 8 oz. tubs of daisy sour cream are .89/1 use .35/1 coupons that are in the Hy-Vee store near the sour cream to get these for. 54/1
- 32 oz Hy-Vee coffee creamer is 1.38/1 (Aldi price is usually 1.99)
- Smart One's entrees are 3/5
Dillons for the week of July 16th-22nd
Here are the best deals I see for the week.
Note: I did not look at the fine print and I apologize. The Pantene is not actually free. They are on sale 3/10, use 3 2/1 coupons to get $6 off and combined with the 3$ off you get just for buying 3 products allows you to buy 3 Pantene items for $1 total... still a good deal!
Thank you to all my readers who have been continuing to alert me to these great P&G deals! As always if you see others just let me know!
Note: I did not look at the fine print and I apologize. The Pantene is not actually free. They are on sale 3/10, use 3 2/1 coupons to get $6 off and combined with the 3$ off you get just for buying 3 products allows you to buy 3 Pantene items for $1 total... still a good deal!
- Dillon's sandwich bread is 10/10
- Green seedless grapes are 1.29/lb (Aldi runs about 1.49/lb.)
- Kroger brand saltines are 10/10 (Aldi price also)
- Keebler Club/town house crackers/chips delux/pecan sandies/or take along cookes are on sale 4/10, when you buy 4 you get $4 off your total making these 4/$6 or 1.50/1. Use 2 1/2 Keebler/Townhouse coupons from recent inserts to get make these 4/4 or 1/box!
- Kroger yogurt is 2/88 (Aldi yogurt is usually .43/1
- Rice a Roni is on sale 10/10
- Sunny D is 10/10
- Hunts snack cub pudding is 10/10
- Kroger peanut butter is 10/10
- Turkey Hill tea is 10/10- it is my understanding that there is a 1/1 coupon out there that would make this FREE!
- Betty Crocker cake mixes are 10/10
- Hunts 24 oz. ketchup is 10/10 (Aldi price for off brand)
- General Mills and Post cereals are 2.66/box. Use coupons from the last Sunday's paper or print a Cheerio's coupon from the coupon widgets on this site for .75/1- doubled to a $1 would make these boxes of cereal 1.66! (better than Aldi price for off brand)
- Kroger or Private selection spices are 33% off this week
- Ball Park Franks are BIGI (buy one get one free). Prices start at 3.49. Use 2 1/1 coupons from here to get 2 packages for 1.49 or .74/1!
- Cantaloupe are 2/4
- Don't forget that P&G is still doing the deal where if you buy 3 you can save $3. I posted about how to get pampers wipes for .50/tub here. You can also get 3 bottles of shampoo or conditioner for $1 this week! See the note up top!
Thank you to all my readers who have been continuing to alert me to these great P&G deals! As always if you see others just let me know!
Monday, July 14, 2008
.50 for a tub of Pamper's wipes

I have had a few friends (thank you!) alert me to this great deal at Dillon's that will end tomorrow the 15th. Right now Dillon's is doing a P&G (Proctor and Gamble) promotion where if you buy 3 participating products you get $3 off your total. Well the Pamper's boxes of wipes (80ct I think) are 2.50 when you buy 3. If you have 3 .50/1 pamper's wipes coupons from the P&G coupon insert a few weeks ago here is a great deal for you:
Buy 3 boxes of wipes at 2.50/1=7.50
use 3 .50/1 coupons- these will be doubled to $1
so 7.50- 3 .50/1 coupons doubled to $1 ($3 total) = 4.50.
Now subtract the automatic $3 taken off just for buying 3 items and your total is now 1.50 for 3 boxes of wipes- that is .50/box! Pretty good deal if you ask me!!!
What in the world is an EB?
Good question I have been getting lately. My apologies for not explaining before. An EB can also be called an ECB or "extra care buck" This is what CVS will give you in return for buying certain items that are advertised as giving "extra care bucks back" I have probably just gotten more confusing so I am going to refer you to Crystal's great post on CVS here and then to CVS's website where they talk about their program here. If you have any other questions please let me know and I will attempt to address them the best I can!
Look for another post soon about coupon lingo and how to decode it:) Please comment about which abbreviations/coupon lingo you would like explained so I don't leave any out!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Menu Plan Monday- July 14th 2008 Edition

This coming weekend we are taking a trip back to my husband's home town. This 6 hour one-way drive should be interesting with a toddler:) If you have any ideas to help with that feel free to comment! In saying that I am pretty much saying it is a light week around here since I won't need to worry about food for about 3 days thanks to my husband's wonderful family who will be hosting us! Here is my plan for the week:
Breakfast: Unfortunately in this house there are not many options.
- Frozen pancakes (made from scratch and then frozen) and fruit
- Oatmeal with fruit
- Cold cereal (if you coupon long enough you will never run out of cereal!) with fruit
- Yogurt with fruit
- Eggs and toast with fruit
- Leftovers
- Meat and cheese sandwhich
- Grilled cheese sandwich
- PB & J sandwhich
- Mac and Cheese
- Rice and veggies
Note: All lunches are served with fruits and veggies from what I was able to buy for the week
Sunday: My family decided to get together for a birthday dinner in honor of all the July b-day's we have, so no cooking for me!
Monday: Sloppy Joes/baked beans/steam broccoli/strawberries
Tuesday: Chicken patty sandwiches (these are from the free fast fixin chicken I got)/mashed potatoes/peas/orange slices
Wednesday: Potato soup (I'll post this recipe Tuesday)/bread/apple slices (this recipe is big enough that we will be taking half of it to a friend who just had a baby!)
Thursday: Breakfast- sausage/egg scramble over potatoes with banana chocolate chip muffins and fruit.
Friday-Sunday we are out of town!
Have a great week and don't forget to check out other great menu plans here!
CVS Trip for the week of July 13
This was my trip for this week. I was feeling blessed by some of the great deals I got. I was also able to use some of the EBs I made to by some items we were out of.
Transaction 1:
1 Neutrogina Mascara=5.99 (get 4 EB back)
1 Bayer Heart 30 ct=4.99 (get back 2 EB)
3 Sally Hansen nail colors at .99/1=2.97
1 24/7 speed stick=3.99
-3/15 CVS coupon
-2.50/1 Bayer coupon
- 3/2 Sally Hansen coupon (made these free!)
-1.50/1 speed stick CVS CRT
-1/1 speed stick MF coupon
=6.94, I used 6.94 in EBs and paid .48 OOP, I then got back 8 EB!
Transaction 2: GOOD MONEY MAKER
2 Gas-X at 5.19/1=10.38
1 Excedrin Back and Body 100 ct.=10.29
-3/15 CVS coupon
-5/2 CVS CRT for Gas-X
-3/1 CVS CRT Excedrin 50 ct. or higher
-2/1 Excedrin Mf coupon
-1/1 Gas-X MF coupon
-1.50/1 Gas-X Mf coupon
=5.17, used 5 in EB, paid .52 OOP and got back 10EB!
Transaction 3:
2 6x8 photo books at 7.99/1=15.98
-3/15 CVS coupon
=12.98, used 12 EB and paid 1.07 OOP, and got back 15.98 in EB!
At this point I have actually made 10EB!
Since we were in need of some items I decided to go ahead and use some of the EBs I made to purchase these...
Transaction 4:
1 4x6 photo book=3.99
1 4 ct. pack of CVS toilet paper=2.79
1 roll of CVS paper towels=.99
1 pack of CVS paper plates=3.69
1 pack of CVS napkins=2.69
-3/15 coupon
-3/10 CVS purchase coupon
=9.21, paid with 8EB and .15 OOP, and got back 3.99 in EB
So for today I actually made a total of 6 EB!
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