I am realizing that I have a lot of new couponers visiting lately which I am excited about! I thought I would take some time to re-post about coupon language. Below you find a list of terms I might use and what they mean.
FAR= Free After Rebate (usually talking about Walgreens but not always)
MF= Manufacturer's Coupon
YMMV= Your Market May Vary
RR= Register Rewards (most commonly referred to when talking about Walgreens)
EB or EBC= Extra Buck or Extra Care Buck (CVS term)
OOP= Out Of Pocket
MS= Manager Special (I use this mostly in Dillons posts)
BIGI= Buy 1 Get 1 Free
WYB= When You Buy
OYNO=Off your next order
Catalina= a coupon that prints out at the register (usually at Dillons, but other stores do it as well... it is called a catalina because that is the name of the machine that prints them.)
Blinkies= coupon machines found in grocery store isles that spit out coupons... and they have a little red blinking light- hence the name blinkie
IPs= internet printable. These are coupons that can be printed from an online site. Most of the time you should be able to print 2 from any site by hitting the back button during coupon printing.
Peelies= coupons that are found on packages that you can peel off.
When I am talking about coupons I often tell you things like "use a 1/2 coupon". The 1/2 means a $1 off 2 of the item I am talking about. The 1st number I put is usually the $ amount and the second number is the number of items it is for.
What else? Please leave a comment with other abbreviations you use, ones I missed, or a question regarding one you have seen but are not sure of the meaning.
Thanks! The weekly grocery store posts will be up later!