Sunday, February 28, 2010

Menu Plan Monday 3/1

We will see if our menu goes as planned this week. My husband thinks he is possibly getting sick again which means we are all likely to get sick too:( Here is the plan assuming we all stay healthy!

Sunday: Velveeta Enchilada bake, salad with red pepper
Monday: Cheesy Chicken and rice casserole, biscuits with butter
Tuesday: Skillet lasagna and salad
Wednesday: Baked ham, roasted potatoes and salad
Thursday: left overs!
Friday: Cru Dinner (annual Campus Crusade banquet at KSU!)
Saturday: Pizza

1 comment:

Sarah said...

When I saw your menu plan, the first thing I though was "Ryan would like that."
Can he come over for dinner next time you have Velveeta Enchiladas? He loves velveeta but I won't make anything with it. (surprise, surprise...).