Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dillons 5/26-6/1

Here are the best deals I see for the week. I only post the items that I think are a good deal and I determine this by considering the Aldi price. Therefore, you will not just see couponable items in this post.

For questions regarding Dillons or if you don't understand some of the terms I use then please read the Dillons FAQ page HERE! If you still have questions please email me and I would be happy to answer!!!

All prices posted assume the coupon has doubled and I use this site here in compiling the coupon dates. All other information, such as Aldi's price, is from my memory bank:)

Buy $15 worth of Huggies Products get $3 off your total instantly
Print $3/1 Huggies Snugglers or Movers
Print $3/1 Huggies Snug and Dry
Print $2/1 Huggies wipes tub and refil
Print $1.50/1 Huggies Little Swimmers

OR use lesser value coupons from 5/16 SS

Weekly Deals:
Pepsi, Coke and Dr. Pepper products 12 packs - $3.00
**Buy 4 and get and instant $2 off your total**
Final Price - $2.50/1 when you buy 4

Minute Maid Cherry Limeade or Fruit Punch (64 oz) - $1

Nabisco Snack Crackers - $1.88
Use $1/2 coupon from 5/16 SS
Final Price - $1.38/1 when you buy two
Aldi off brand price is around $1.29 for their crackers so this is a good deal!

Kroger ground beef (3lb. roll) - $5.97 or only $1.99/lb.

Lays, Lay's Kettle Chips, Fritos or Rold Gold - $1.98

Kroger Delux ice cream (48 oz.) - $1.99
Same as Aldi brand price

Hormel Always Tender Pork loin - B1G1 FREE **UPDATED
PSA at 8.99
Use $1/1 coupon
Final Price - As low as
$3.99 or $3.50 each after coupon and discount (thanks gog)

Lawry's Spices- $1.25
Use .50/1 Spice Blend coupon from 5/23 RP
Final Price - $.25

McCormick spices - $1.25

Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce - $.99

Kroger 24 oz. cottage cheese - $1.99
Same as Ald price

Turkey Hill Tea (1/2 gallon) - $1

All Laundry Detergent - $2.99

Use $2/1 coupon for All Oxy from 5/16 RP
Final Price - $.99!
Doesn't get much cheaper than that folks!

Snuggle Fabric Softener - $2.99
Use .75/1 from 5/16 RP
Final Price - $1.99

Coffee Mate Creamer (32 oz.) - $2.99
Use .50/1 coupon from ??
Final Price -- $1.99

Same as Aldi off brand price

Betty Crocker Cake Mix - $1
This is about the same as Aldi price I think

Betty Crocker Brownie mix - $1
Aldi off brand price is around $.80

Pepsi 2 Liters- $1.25
**Buy 4 and get 2 FREE**
Final Price - $.84/1 when you buy 4
**You will also get 2 catalinas for a FREE Red Box rental when you buy 6!**

Fresh Texas Sweet Corn - 8/$2

Red Ripe Strawberries (1lb.) - $1.67

Red Seedless Grapes- $1.67/lb.
Aldi regular price has been $1.80/lb.

Red Ripe Seedless Watermelon - $4.49
Hy-Vee has a better deal this week at only $3.49

**Don't forget to load the NEW round of Cellfire coupons HERE!** There haven't been a lot lately and I am not sure why:(

Please let me know if you catch something I missed by emailing me or leaving a comment!

If you don't live in this region or are looking for an ad for another store I hope you visit The Grocery Gathering or found here or Money Saving's Mom list here.


The Diva said...

There's a $1/1 Sweet Baby Ray in the 5/23 SS

The Bar-S hotdogs are 50¢ each with the $1/2 in the 5/16 RP

The Kraft Salad dressing is $1.00 after the 55¢/1 in the 5/2 SS or there's an IP out too. I can email that to you if you want. :)


blaireruch said...

I got a $1 mf in a Dillons mailer for Lay's kettle chips. makes the chips only .98!

There was a $2/$6 fresh meat coupon in the Dillons mailer, and if you got the $1 off chicken or beef catalina from purchasing the El Paso items, you can buy 2 of the 3 lb. rolls at $5.97, to get a great deal.



Anonymous said...

At the Dillons on 21st and Fairlawn, there are Save $1.00 NOW coupons on the wheat thins and triscut boxes!! Got mine for .88 a piece!


Girlieofgod said...

The hormel pork Tenderloins are buy one get one Free. . they will ring up half price. So you can use 2 $1 off coupons and only pay $3.99 or $3.50 each.

Shannon said...

Ashlea, you rock! (Blaire you too:) Thanks for the coupon updates. Do you use a database? I am finding the one I use misses a lot of our region's coupons. Do you have any ideas for a better one?

Thanks so much!