Sunday: Tacos. Yep that is all we had b/c we were in a time crunch... the tomatoes and lettuce can serve as the nutrients in this meal:)
Monday: Enchilada Pie/salad/tortilla chips/fruit
Tuesday: Sandwiches... we are eating on the go so to speak
Wednesday: Skillet Lasagna/green beans/bread
Thursday: Pigs in a blanket/mac and cheese/broccoli/apple slices
Friday: Pizza!
I have to confess that part of me not posting Menu Plan Monday for a while had been out of my own struggle of comparison (what women doesn't struggle with that:). I was seeing all these other great menu plans that seemed so wonderful and had all the food groups covered. The reality is folks that I don't always get a veggie with dinner and we may not always eat the healthiest meal, and I have to be okay with that! I figure my worth as a wife and mom is not in whether or not we have 7 whole grains a day, although that is not a bad ambition. We are just your ordinary family trying to get by and we haven't gone hungry so that is a start!:)
Happy Monday!
Sounds great... and good for you about trying not to worry and compare... it takes courage.... and you have that. *Ü*
Ive never been to your blog... founf it from orgjunkie.com
It might make you feel a little bit better to know that I have compared myself to you because I am not able to keep my grocery budget as low as you can. Does that help a bit? :) Let's just encourage each other along the way and get rid of the competition. I think those meals look great!
Shannon, thank you for this post. I struggle with comparing myself to others SO much! I don't always get each food group with every meal and sometimes go way over my budget on groceries. So I appreciate your honesty. And I enjoy your blog! :o)
Great menu! The enchilada pie sounds delish!!
I wouldn't worry about it. I try to eat healthy but it is expensive. Especially since the price of flour tripled over the past year :( I try to make things from scratch. They may not be uber healthy but at least their not processed foods with who knows what in them. We just do the best we can with the money and time we have. Plus what's the use making something if your kids aren't going to eat it? :D
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