Monday, July 21, 2008

Only in Johnson City...

Can you see one heck of a turtle race! We visited my husband's family this past weekend and had a great time! I will be back up posting later this evening or tomorrow morning- depends on how much energy I have! I hope you all had a great weekend and scored some great deals at CVS this week!

1 comment:

Marie said...

CVS was good this week I think! They're doing their buy $15 of baby product, get 5 EB. Plus the Revlon B1G1 was awesome. I put in about $17 (with tax) and got two packs of diapers, wipes, baby wash, nail polish, eye shadow, a card for Devin and a gallon of milk. Not too shabby in my opinion. Have you tried their diapers? I really like the supreme kind. Haven't had any leaks. I do think CVS is getting stingy with coupons. I used to always get a 3/10 coupon, but haven't in several weeks. BOO!