Friday, June 4, 2010

$100 Grocery Gift Card Give-A-Way!

You read the title correctly! Cellfire is offering to host a $100 grocery store gift card give-a-way on my blog this month!!

How to Enter:

Tell me your favorite Cellfire promotion item: Visit this link HERE and then come back and leave a comment telling me what current coupon available on Cellfire that you are the most excited about. Be sure to leave your contact information (name and email). This will count as 1 entry.

Additional Entries:

Sign up for Cellfire or if you're already a member load a new coupon on your loyalty card and let me know which one(s) you loaded (1 entry). If you load them all be sure to note that and I will count that as 2 entries instead of just 1.


Follow me on Google Friends (1 entry) or let me know you already follow. Either way, comment to let me know you are a follower.

You can enter this contest 4 times using these 4 easy ways! This promotion is running the whole month of June and ends at midnight on June 30th (CST). A random winner will be drawn and notified by email. The winner will receive a $100 gift card to their grocery store of choice!

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

I love the Lucky Charms coupon and the Fiber One bars coupon. heatherannfay @ hotmail . com

HopiQ said...

55 cents off Honey Nut Cheerios -- a family favorite!

daveandhope (at) yahoo (dot) com

HopiQ said...

I loaded all the coupons onto my Dillons card!!!

HopiQ said...

I follow The Grocery Weekly via Google Reader. Thanks for being such a great resource and a huge help to our budget!

Anonymous said...

I loaded all coupons onto my Dillons card. :)
Also, my favorite item this month is the Fiber One chewy bars. They make for a great breakfast on the go! :)
Also, I now follow you on Google friends. Woohoo, make that FOUR entries :)
Thank you for everything you do. I love reading your blog!!!
rebeccamomof3 @

Beware of the Phog said...

I always load all of the coupons on my Dillon's card -- and I always do! Glad to see they're full of coupons again. My favorite is the cheerios coupon.
And I follow you on Google reader. :)
sherriann01 (at) yahoo (dot) com

House of Brungardt said...

My fav right now is the Kix cereal coupon. My kids love that kind. I've also got all the coupons loaded to my Dillons card. It is always a nice surprise when I forget about one and it comes off my bill! I always check your blog before I do my weekly Dillons trip. Thanks!


blaireruch said...

wow! that is very cool!

#1: favorite coupon = .50 Chex Mix, because paired with a mf, makes for some cheap or free snack food!
#2 and #3: loaded all coupons!
#4: I follow you on Google Reader!


Blaire Ruch

Anonymous said...

I'm excited about the Chex Mix because I consider it a splurge and I never buy a splurge without a coupon.

Kahle said...

Honey nut cheerios! its our favorite!

Kahle said...

I'm a follower....okay that sounds funny!! :)

Kahle said...

all coupons are on my dillons card!

Anonymous said...

I love the Cheerios, esp. with a 1year old around, and the Kix coupons:-)

Maria said...

My favorite was the NV hubby likes it but I will only buy it with a high value coupon, so I will be able to splurge for him!

I loaded them all - I was acting a little weird at the time.

I ALWAYS check your blog before heading to the are a great inspiration. :o)

Anonymous said...

I am already a member of cellfire and always load all the coupons:)

Anonymous said...

I love the new Kellogg's cereal $1 off!

Anonymous said...

I now follow you on google reader!

flemishe said...

I like the honey nut cheerios .55/1 coupon.

flemishe said...

I follow your blog via a reader

flemishe said...

I have all the cellfire Qs loaded

Anonymous said...

I think my favorit is the Nature Valley Nut clusters coupon.

Wyatt said...

#1: favorite coupon = $1.00 on Wheaties Fuel. It's been on sale recently for 75cents after CF and mfg coupons.
#2 and #3: loaded all coupons!
#4: I now follow you on Google Friends!

Thanks, Shannon. You're awesome.
Wyatt at gmail dot com

Kristi said...

My favorite is the Nature Valley coupon.

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Kristi said...

I'm following via GFC.

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Laura said...

I am excited about the brownie coupon. I love me some brownies!

Laura said...

I follow The Grocery Weekly in Google Reader

Leah S. said...

And I loaded a bunch of the coupons onto my cellfire! Woo hoo!

Leah S. said...

I am excited about the Trix coupon! I usually have an average of 7 boxes of cereal in my cupboard!