Thursday, April 29, 2010

Must Have Music!

My boys LOVE music! Well, I really think they just like to act crazy and music makes the craziness much more fun and purposeful:)

On the days that we are home all day I usually have a music time. I pull out our music box made up of homemade egg shakers and the Melissa and Doug Music Set. I turn on whatever is in our cd player and the boys know what to do next! With in seconds both children are making as much noise as they can and I am off to a quieter part of the house. I usually use this time to do dishes or sneak down stairs for a date with my laundry.

Lately one of our favorite CD's is Party Like A Preschooler by Go Fish. My friend describes it as kid's music you can stand to listen to. This statement is very true. I never knew that I could listen to songs like "Do your ears hang low" and "5 little monkeys" so many times and not tire of them. This up beat CD is sure to spruce up any "stuck at home" day!

We also LOVE our Melissa & Doug Band in a Box . I have also heard good reviews of the Bee Bob Band, Red. As we have discovered with Levi, simply pouring rice into plastic Easter Eggs and taping them shut is music enough for him!

What are your favorite cd's for kids? If you have music videos or dvds for kids that you are found of, please share those too!

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