Friday, June 18, 2010


(3 Melissa and Doug sounds puzzles and the Leap Frog Maracas... apparently 2 boys aren't enough noise for me:)

I was so excited to receive my Amazon packages the other day. In them were FREE toys for Levi's 1st birthday. I got these for FREE by earning enough Swagbucks to get a FREE $50 gift card to! I was also able to order Seth a book with what was left on my gift card after picking out Levi's gifts.

You can earn a $50 Amazaon gift card, too! Just sign up with Swagbucks (you can use widget below) and use their site or tool bar to do all your internet searching! The bucks will soon ad up and you can start earning FREE gift cards!

**Gift card are available to a variety of places... be sure to check out the swag store to see your options!**

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